I still remember when The Secret was featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show. It was 2006 and it was my first introduction to the law of attraction. I was very excited about the idea of manifesting my reality.
Then I had a terrible thought. If I have in fact attracted all the things into my life does that mean I am also responsible for my son’s diagnosis of autism? Did I manifest my son’s autism? At that time my son was two years old and it was such a difficult notion that I decided to avoid the idea of manifestation. I was too terrified to even consider how to decipher this puzzle, making me wonder if others also have this fear. I did know that I had to learn more about the law of attraction in order to make changes and become more flexible.
photo courtesy of NASA
With this renewed sense of flexibility I have come to believe that, much like the internet, there really is a universal algorithm. Just like the social media platforms that track what we watch and then serves us similar content, the universe tracks what we are thinking, how we are behaving, and where we place our focus. The idea of a universal algorithm resonates with me, allowing me to better grasp the law of attraction, so useful in my recovery program especially in relation to acceptance.
When I started in recovery I was introduced to the concepts that self love, actively believing in greater possibilities, and the willingness to do honest emotional work would provide me more insight. The more I embraced these concepts the more the universe opened up and served me opportunities that allowed this way of thinking to grow. This is available to everyone.
You can get started immediately by using a gratitude list.
This small act of hope starts a powerful transformation and sets in motion an algorithm that brings more hope and gratitude into our consciousness. This small but powerful habit can lead us into an amazing space that is unlimited. If you struggle with a painful event and want to reject manifestation I am here to share that having the smallest willingness to have acceptance is enough. Do not deny yourself these blessings.
I am still working on my thoughts about the journey that my son and I were placed on, but I have also benefited greatly from the concept of manifestation. Please give yourself the option to call better into your life.
—Kristina Dennis, life coach
Schedule a get acquainted call today! I work with adults to unlearn a lifetime of behaviors that are no longer useful or that no longer serve them and develop toward a life of not simply surviving, but actually thriving.
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