
The importance of reviewing our past is key to getting clear. Where we came from has a huge impact on creating healthy relationships. In this section, we will gently dive into your past relationships and discover how we developed our codependent behaviors and habits.


Current challenges or what are you struggling with examine current behaviors. A codependent relationship is when one person puts the other person’s needs above their own above the other above them and can even become obsessive. A healthy relationship is based on more of an interdependent dynamic that requires both people to be able to operate independently. Each person will feel close to the other but is nevertheless independent and capable of making their own decisions regardless of what they think the other “wants.”

This form will allow you to write about your current relationship. Make sure to focus on who you spend most of your free time with. It could be a friend, a romantic partner, or your closest family member.


What you want; vision for the future Tips on setting Good boundaries 
New language, communication, and conversations new phrases
Conflict resolution solutions: redefining boundaries or walking away from them, or changing the relationship dynamic

This form will look like a checklist of questions to ask potential partners:
Belief systems you want people to buy into
Common belief systems for an ideal relationship

How you see the other person. These questions are for you to ask yourself.

1) What are their interests?

2) Do you share similar interest?

3) Is this person able to apologize?

4) How does this person meet and overcome challenges?

5) Does this person accept responsibility with humility?

6) Is this person flexible?

7) Does this person have a sense of humor?

8) Do they take themselves seriously? 

9) Is this person open to new things?

10) Is this person kind in their responses?

11) Does this person treat people with respect?

12) Are they willing to be honest even when there is risk involved?

13) How do they treat their family?

14) How do they speak of former partners or friends?

15) How do they respond when you have to say no or turn down a request?

Questions to ask each other. These questions are for you to ask your potential partner.

1) How much time do You envision spending time within the relationship?

2) How much free time do you each need?

3) Do you want to travel?

4) Is alone time important to each other?

5) What are the beliefs that drive each other?

6) Do you envision having children?

7) What’s your philosophy around money?

8) Do you believe in quality over quantity?

9) Are the arts important to you?

10) Are you open to seeking therapy for your mental health?

11) How important is physical activity to you?

12) How would you divide our common task load?

13) What are your goals in life?

Please include any other thoughts about your future here:

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Don’t do it alone

Buy my course and/or schedule a get acquainted call I work with adults to unlearn these “skills” and develop toward a life of not simply surviving, but actually thriving.

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