Welcome to my Integrated Thriving relationship form! I’ve curated the following 35 questions especially for repairing your relationships and to begin breaking toxic codependency patterns. Take your time with this important work.
Past and Present Relationships
The importance of reviewing our past and present relationships and where we came from is key to getting clear and has a huge impact on creating healthy relationships. In the first set of questions, we will gently dive into your past relationships and discover how we developed our codependent behaviors and habits. In the second set of questions we will examine challenges with your current relationships.
photo by Avel Chuklanovy
A codependent relationship is when one person puts the other person’s needs above their own above the other above them and can even become obsessive.
A healthy relationship is based on more of an interdependent dynamic that requires both people to be able to operate independently. Ideally, each person will feel close to the other but is nevertheless independent and capable of making their own decisions regardless of what they think the other “wants.” Your healing starts here!
Don’t do it alone
Whether you’re just getting started in recovery or you’ve hit a plateau in long term recovery, my one-on-one coaching gives you the opportunity to get supportive, expert guidance in your healing journey. I work with adults to relearn useful, lifetime skills that develop a life of not simply surviving, but integrated thriving. Apply for my coaching by scheduling a get acquainted call today!
Twelve Sessions | Daily Check-ins | Fully Customized
Do you see other people getting what they want while happiness seems just out of your reach? Start taking back your power today! My exclusive, personalized coaching package includes twelve one-on-one sessions, daily check-ins with me and even a personalized family genogram! It’s a tremendous value that provides extraordinary wellness, recovery tools, and support strategies. Once you purchase this package you become a lifetime member of my diamond community.
Schedule a get acquainted call today! I work with adults to unlearn a lifetime of behaviors that are no longer useful or that no longer serve them and develop toward a life of not simply surviving, but actually thriving.
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